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Forward Momentum: Embracing the Journey of Growth and Innovation

DUSTIN KORTH June 13, 2024 Diesel World

As I sit here in our new-to-us shop space, I can’t help but reflect on the last three years of my life. I have a really interesting relationship with my past self. In some ways, I respect him. He was the young kid who wouldn’t take no for an answer—now he’s the mid-20-year-old who just kept pushing without always knowing where to go, what to do, but always understanding that forward momentum is better than no momentum at all.

In a lot of the same ways, I’ve seen some incredible things happen. From truck shows popping up out of nowhere to becoming some of the biggest events of the year, race teams that had every opportunity to quit (Like Dirty Hooker Diesel did at Ultimate Callout Challenge in 2023), to content creators like Tucker Harris and Jon Daniels, who kept believing in the dream, even when things got tough or the path got cloudy. There’s something to be said about that tenacity, that dedication to your craft, and quite honestly, just the brutal reality of not taking anything less than yes for an answer, and continuing to innovate.

So regardless if you’re installing new parts on your truck this weekend, rebuilding a rearend or transmission, kicking off a new YouTube Channel, or just chasing a dream personally, professionally, or financially- keep digging. The magic isn’t at the end of the road, the magic comes in the journey of getting there. Grab your metaphorical shovels, dig in, and let’s make some incredible things happen in 2024.

Keep diggin’,
Dustin, a.k.a. @Dusti_LBZ


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