Does it feel like Cars & Coffee events are getting better and better? Well, maybe that’s because it’s true! They’re popping up in every corner on both Saturday and Sunday now. With amazing rides displayed, great coffee and the best of friends. A way to share the best of your life in a unique and giving way.
But for the last few months, Tommy Scalera and I have been filming our new show CAR SHOW SAFARI on location at several of these events, hunting for cool cars and keeping an eye out for Halos and Unicorns. And folks… there’s plenty of them! But every 2nd Saturday is COUNTY LINE CARS & COFFEE off Lindero in Thousand Oaks, Ca. which brings out an eclectic mix of the best. From Classics and Muscle, to Exotics and Movie Cars. All in a great setting, sandwiched between the Burgers of In ‘n Out and the much needed restrooms of a weird French Store called Target! Whew!
If you’ve seen us filming, you’ll know that we pick the three best cars of the show and interview the Drivers. Plus, I pick a few for my other series BEST OF SHOW on YouTube. And the stories are crazy-cool. But also, many of the founders of other C&C Events can be seen hanging out. People like Steve Goldfield who puts on Zuma C&C. He brings out a delicious red metallic Ferrari that you’d swear was lickable cherry… but I wouldn’t recommend it!
Also, Steve Geldman who shoots for tons of SoCal Mags like the Malibu Times brings out his stunningly Blue Porsche and his wee pooch, Henry. The talent is off the chart with so many.
But the gratitude I feel for having a place where we can come, swap stories, share physical hugs and meet new friends is beyond description. The anticipation permeates every part of me all week when I know that I’ll be hitting these shows, meeting you guys and searching for coolness. So, don’t be shy… come on over and give us the goods. And we accept Hot Wheels donations too, so let’s see wha’cha got!
Fireball signing out… On Safari in SoCal for a new batch of Bitchiness.
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