The annual Cool Cruise was recently held in the beautiful old town setting of La Verne, California. The show was started 17 years ago and built on a foundation emphasizing quality and organization. Those guiding concepts have been evident in every Cool Cruise show since. Along with support from the Old Town Business Improvement District and The City of La Verne, Family Festival Productions (the current promoter) has created one of the best car shows in Southern California.
The word “quality” can also be applied to the vendors, food, music, prizes and awards. Kudos also go out to Master of Ceremonies Dave McClelland, who did his usual excellent job.
The intersection at Third Street and D Street, where a fountain is located, was filled with an assortment of beautifully customized and restored rides. The show organizers even managed to coordinate some wonderful weather to match temperatures in the mid 70s and sun all day. More than 500 cars of every color dazzled automotive fans. In addition to the amazing rides and general good time, there was also the raffle that benefited the Alex Xydias Center for Automotive Arts (AXC) with music provided by the Swinging 8 Balls.
The next Cool Cruise is already on the drawing board. Based on what we enjoyed this year, we’re sure the committee will create another special event.
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